Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How did we achieve "One"

Our team name is same as the project title which is ONE. 

When we started to discuss how to deal with our project... We got a lot of interesting ideas from every group member. 

Finally, we got a final decision of the project. 

Let's see what is that...

We were going to interview people and get their opinions about people from other countries.

They would write their opinions on the post-it.

Therefore, we could paste them like this...

Oops ! Don't forget to record the process during we were pasting!

The countries all got their own post-it and then the map looked like...

After that, the background would be changed...
Wow! Now, there are no borders anymore between each post-it!

That is what we are going to convey by this project!
Without barriers, we are all the same!

Following is our video for the project!!!!

1 comment:

  1. May I use Chinese?haha~非常棒的想法,好好加油妹妹
